Dance For Mom, Live For Eleni

On July 26, 2022 at 9 PM the greatest person in the world died in my arms. I am very honored and blessed to call the greatest person in the world . . . mom. She is also my best friend. I’ll never use the word was when talking about her. Because she is, never was. From February 10 to July 26, 2022 I experienced the worst and best 167 days of my life simultaneously. Watching mom deteriorate was the worst thing I could ever endure. Spending every last moment of those days with her is something I’ll always cherish and never forget.

There’s quite a bit of anger right now but it’s for the reasons you don’t know. I know most people say that anger is part of it when you lose someone you love specially somebody like your mom. But for me there’s no anger there. I’m not angry that she passed away. Don’t get me wrong, I am devastated, sad, and gutted, but not angry. I understand that everybody has to go at some point. I’m angry at the procedure and the lies that were told to her by the doctors in Greece.

Mom had stage IV pancreatic cancer and had six months to live as of January. I didn’t find this out till the beginning of February. Mom never found out. That’s where the anger stems from. They told her she had a lump. They also wanted to perform chemotherapy, I called and told them to cancel it. I scheduled for mom to do 3-4 natural treatments, and we were set to fly out to Italy on the 15th of February for one of those procedures, the rest would be done at home. I interviewed with two of the natural doctors who combined, have saved over 700 patients with stage IV cancer (so obviously they know what they’re talking about). And mom’s chances were about 80%. Knowing how strong my mom was, they were probably even higher. With chemo her chances were about 1%.

On February 13, 2022 I showed the interview to mom where there was a three-way conversation on Skype with the other two natural doctors. And they were talking about the severity of pancreatic cancer, and one doctor even said that if it’s stage IV pancreatic cancer that 99% chance it’s already gone to the liver. (He was right.). But not to worry because the procedure directly hits the liver and pancreas head on. At that point mom stopped the video and said “he doesn’t know what he’s talking about, what I have is not that severe” . . . My legs were cut from underneath me. That’s when I realized they lied to mom.

So because they told her it was just a little lump, and that they were going to perform a simple little therapy (56 hours of drip fed strong chemo into her blood stream. Yeah simple therapy my ass).
Because of that lie, that’s the reason we canceled all the reservations and appointments in Italy and ended up doing chemo.

10 days after chemo. Mom was laying in bed and I sat next to the bed holding her hand. She looked up at me with tears in her eyes and said, verbatim “I’m sorry, you were right, I fucked up. I should’ve never done chemo.” . . . I felt completely gutted when I heard that statement. It destroyed me to my core to this day. I just wiped her tears and said “no mom don’t worry there was no mistake made. We just tried a little procedure, and now we’ll work on getting your energy back and getting you back to normal in no time.” By the way,

This is mom before chemo

This is mom after chemo

After that of course I put an end to chemo. And we ended up going to Italy anyway, but 45 days after we were supposed to and with one round of chemo in her, so the percentages now go way down. At this point one of mom’s good friends who is a doctor and was guiding them didn’t appreciate me stopping her chemo and giving her natural treatment, and he would make a few snide remarks every now and then, but I really didn’t give a shit. Things were going great with all the treatments I was giving her, but I was only able to do it for about a month before the body started giving out. The no eating and constant vomiting made it difficult to keep anything inside her.

I won’t go into more day-to-day stuff because it’s just too hurtful to relive so I’ll just fast-forward to mom’s funeral.
At the funeral, the first person to give a eulogy was that one doctor that I kind of butted heads with. I wasn’t too happy but I let go. His eulogy was very thoughtful and very sincere. He spoke highly about mom and how important she was to the community and how she was the soul of the community. And throughout the eulogy he kept breaking up and crying. So, so far so good. I was okay with it. But then near the end he opened up his fucking trap and out of nowhere started spewing words about modern medicine advancements and how we should follow the doctor’s protocols and not veer away from them.

My jaw clenched up. My fists were ready to go to battle. I was one second away from going off on him in the worst of ways inside the church. To this day it’s one of my biggest regrets. The only reason I didn’t do it, is because it caught me off guard since he was saying all nice things about mom, then it took a couple seconds to register, “is he saying what I think he’s saying”. And at the same time a dear friend of moms and mine saw that I was about to lose it, so from behind me she reached out and just stroked my forearm. And next thing I know he was off the mic. I was pissed the entire day. Still pissed today and not sleeping at all because I keep reliving that funeral for those words. It dawned on me afterwards that he was saying those words just to kind of poke at me for stopping the chemo and taking the natural route. Regardless, the eulogy is no place for you to promote your bullshit values and beliefs.

I don’t have any animosity towards this person. Everyone says that he’s a really really nice person. I get it, I can see it. I know he’s a good person, his wife is an absolute sweetheart. But remember one thing, you don’t have to be a bad person to make a wrong choice or decision. And his decision to not tell mom the truth back in January is unacceptable and something I’ll never forgive. He even had the nerve to continually bad mouth the natural doctors (unacceptable).

Note to all doctors. I know some of you have a God complex. You need to take that God complex and shove it up your ass. I hate to break it to you but God doesn’t take money to perform a service or miracle. Bottom line is, you’re an employee and the patient is your employer. Let’s be very clear about something, I don’t have anything against doctors. Tons of friends and family who are doctors and in the medical field. I have the utmost respect. Yeah, I may have piled it on a little hard earlier in this paragraph, but I also have to vent, don’t forget.

Bottom line is this. Whether you believe in modern medicine or natural outlets, you do not have the right to lie (withhold the truth) to your patients. You also don’t have the right to bad mouth other doctors or treatments that the patient might be exploring. And for the most part I know that doctors tell you the truth regardless of how hard it is to hear it.

In mom’s case, that Dr. had no right to sugarcoat her condition, and her treatment. You all forget that every patient has that other option. The one where they do nothing. If someone has six months to live and you’re offering a 1- 2% chance of success if they do a specific treatment, but that treatment will completely destroy their immune system and take away all their energy, they might just decide to do nothing and spend the last six months seeing friends and family.

So mom could have easily declined treatment (chemo). Taken a flight back to the states to see her granddaughter, daughter, and other friends and family. And just said, “in six months if it’s my time to go then it’s my time to go”. . . But you stole that choice from her. You stole the last 6 months of her life.

I will always hold myself responsible for not forcing them to tell her the truth back in February and that’s something I have to live with for the rest of my life.

I think George’s lyrics say it best for what mom went through:

“I don't know why nobody told you
I don't know how someone controlled you
I don't know why you were diverted
I don't know how you were inverted
No one alerted you

And even though his guitar gently weeps
My heart will aggressively weep!

“Mom I could never express what you meant to me even if I had 1 billion years to do it. You are my best friend. You are the voice that I had to hear every day. And every time I heard your voice I knew everything would be okay. When you left you took the majority of my heart with you and I’m glad. That gap in my heart will never replenish and I really don’t want it to. Of course whatever remains of my heart has mom’s imprint all over it. I’m glad I got to spend six months with you and I hope I didn’t disappoint you. It’s very hard to finish this last paragraph cause I keep breaking down. I’m sure I’ll see you again, but of course I might not. Because although you definitely went to heaven. I might have to take the elevator down below. But hopefully in the afterlife, messenger still works. . . It should, considering Zuckerberg is the devil (haha).

Love you mom!

Praise And Remembrance

I loved and known her most of my life here. I think of her so very much. Indeed an angel in my eyes.

My heart breaks for you and Popi ❤️ there are no words to console you. She was the best and I will never ever forget her. Stay strong for you and Popi. Love you

You will always be remembered in my heart ❤️ will miss you so much.

We love your Mom dearly. She was such an amazing, fun and loving person. She will be deeply missed

Eleni she was the Best mother ,wife, and a very special friend, to All of us !! We all have nothing but wonderful memories to share . The girl with the golden Heart to everyone on this planet.. I know Eleni for 50 wonderful years and I never remember someone helping so many people