Honoring the most amazing person by helping others, just like she did on a daily basis.

One of a Kind

That's truly the best way to describe. "One of a kind" as my good friend put it. And of course "larger than life". All the ink in the world would not suffice in order to tell people what an amazing human being mom is. That's "IS". Although she past, I will rarely speak about mom in past tense. Cause she is always with me and my family. And because she means so much and did so much for everyone I felt it fitting to pay it forward and help as many people as I could in her honor.

That's why I started the Eleni Scholarship . . . "Dance For Mom, Live For Eleni". That phrase just came to me after she past. It has several meanings but in short, I dance full time, mom is the one who started me with dance. I now dance for her and live through her (with dance). And since her grand daughter, my niece, is named Eleni. . . "Dance For Mom, Live For Eleni".

As you can see this site is very new and over the next few weeks and months I will be updating it but please sure to bookmark this page and fill out the form below and we'll notify you of when the application process will be open. I will also explain the brief details below.

2 simple steps to apply


Submit Video

You will submit a short video (5 minutes or less) just showing your personality. No need for perfection here, or editing skills. Just show us you, cause mom is all personality. Send the url of your video to apply@danceformom.org

In the body of the email please give us some information. Name, way to contact you and a little bit about yourself.


Wait For Selection 

We'll take all submissions into consideration and some of the choices will be made random in order to not favor people.


Although we are still in the process of finishing this site, let me at least answer a few questions.

Who It's For

This scholarship will not be only for school students. This will be open for anyone. To help with school. Or a medical procedure. Or to start a business.

how much

The initial scholarship amount will vary from year to year based on available funds and donations. If you want to inquire about donations, please send inquiry to donations@danceformom.org


Donations are not needed to fund the scholarship. But a lot of people have inquired about giving donations. If you want to inquire about donations, please send inquiry to donations@danceformom.org. 100% of donations will be added to that years scholarship amount. Ex: If $5,000 are donated before that years scholarship selection, and we have set up $1,500 (internally funded), then $6,500 will be awarded that year in scholarships.